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How to deal with 83.6% anti-dumping duties in the EU

Views: 305     Author: Isabel     Publish Time: 2018-08-22      Origin: Site

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How to deal with 83.6% anti-dumping duties in the EU

How to deal with 83.6% anti-dumping duties in the EU


From late July, the EU began to impose an anti-dumping duty of 83.6% on Chinese electric bikes.it’s a big bad news for Chinese electric bike supplier and EU customers. It means customers must pay extra 83.6% duty when import electric bikes from China.


1. Intermediary Trade

Intermediary trade refers to the international trade in import and export goods business, not directly between the producing country and the consumer country, but through the third country hands-on trading.

We can provide intermediary trade service through Taiwan, Thailand, but this method is only for the whole container customers, because LCL can’t do intermediary trade. If you are strong customer, intermediary trade may be your choice.



2. Electric Scooter

Electric scooter is not within the scope of anti-dumping duties, so electric scooters are the better choice now.  

We have 9 configurations of electric scooters, sport 5 is removable battery model, sport 6 is 3 wheel electric scooter, sport 7 is double battery 20ah model, sport 9 is our new electric scooter, with double front fork, ally rim and can be double battery model. We also have 2 models with EEC certificate, if you need EEC, COC, or European type approval to apply for a license plate, you can choose these 2 models.

double front fork

If you want to expand your business or you also do electric scooters business, please do not hesitate to contact us.


My email: gaea-ebike02@czgaea.com

Cellphone: +8615295032359

Facebook:Eileen Li (from changzhou gaea technology co., ltd.)

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